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Why Learn the Violin or Cello?

The Benefits... (for kids)

For a child to learn an instrument is the most beautiful thing ever. WHY?

1. It Empowers Growth:
Learning an instrument is not as easy as it seems. Simply pulling strings? NO. It goes way beyond that.

When your child learns an instrument, he/she develops curiosity, fine motor skills, patience, and more. Your child will face challenges along the way, but he will learn to overcome it with the help of you as a parent and us. These soft skills are applicable and transferrable to his everyday life. And overtime, your child will grow to become resilient. 

2. Building Self-Confidence
We believe that self-confidence is something to be built at a young age. I can't emphasise any more about the importance of learning an instrument with a patient teacher. This may sound SUPER CLICHE but patience is an extremely important criteria when teaching a young child. No harsh words, no insults are ever to be directed to a child. Through encouragement and our guidance, your child will get to build self-confidence as he gets to perform tunes, starting from the simplest "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Ode to Joy", and many more!

3. To Excel and Destress 
You may be wondering how does excel and destress come together, right? Yes! Over the course of months or years, your child will get to love the instrument more. As his technique gets to a more advanced level, the instrument may be something he/she is passionate in and also a platform for him to express himself in ways the words can't. This is what music was for personally for me, and I wish that my students will be able to have the violin as an emotional outlet.

Learning with us, we strive our best to meet the learning goals of the student to achieve his or her best potential. 

The Benefits... (for adults)

If you are an adult considering whether to learn an instrument, it is never too late! The most common question I get from adult students is "Am I too old to learn?". Our answer to this is "NO!"

Here's why you should learn the violin as an adult learner: 

1. Gain Valuable Soft Skills 
As an adult, patience and determination are the valuable takeaways from learning an instrument! It may sound very simple but it is actually not the case. A handful of adult learners get irritated easily and give up fast but overtime, they learn to be more patient towards themselves! 

2. Elegance & Building of Self-Confidence
It is never too late to pursue your dreams! Many students share with me that they did not get the chance to learn the violin, they gave up halfway, or they only fell in love with the violin now. Are you one of them? Pursue your dreams by learning an instrument that is so elegant. Get to feel good about yourself when you manage to perform tunes on your violin! 

3. Escape the STRESS from daily life! 
Feeling stressed? As an adult, you may be working or studying. Tackling with national exams, or working hard for your career. Are all these getting mundane? Picking up an instrument can help you to unwind and escape the stresses of life! Play pieces you love, starting from the simplest tunes "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Lightly Row", and more!

Learning with us, we strive our best to meet the learning goals that you have to achieve your best potential! Contact us now!
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